Harvest of the Month: December

Harvest of the Month is a monthly program where we prepare and serve taste tests of a locally sourced produce to students in the Charlottesville City School system. Harvest of the month is aimed to encourage health and food security through exposure to fresh, healthy, and local foods. Youth, families, schools and community partners are introduced to a locally available crop each month with a backpack flier, recipe, and nutritional information.
We are recruiting volunteers for December 7th to serve broccoli as the featured harvest! Volunteers can expect to arrive at a school by 10:30am and serve taste tests to students during their lunch schedules that end at the latest 1:15pm (school lunch schedules vary). Volunteers that can help pick up and deliver produce can expect to start earlier at 9:00am
Below is the sign up for Harvest of the Month where you can assign yourself to a specific school in the Charlottesville City School system. We're hoping we can have at least one person per site. If you are already affiliated with one of the schools and the volunteer space is already filled, feel free to let us know and we can have you as an additional volunteer for that school.
If you are interested in helping prepare the Harvest of the Month in the Charlottesville High School cafeteria on December 5th and 6th from 1:30pm-3:30pm, we are also recruiting for hands in the kitchen as well! Sign up below
If you have any questions, please contact Leah Leon at [email protected].