Hoos Serving

Kevin Breiner

Kevin Breiner

Kevin Breiner is a JD-MPP student, currently in his third of four years. He is primarily interested in environmental issues and hopes to practice environmental law after graduation. In addition to working with the Equity and Environment Fund, he is a member of the Virginia Environmental Law Journal and is a staff writer for the Virginia Policy Review.

What led you to your service work?

I was interested in working with the Equity and Environment Fund (EEF) because it empowers students and community leaders who have great ideas about promoting equity, sustainability, and justice. As someone who has only lived in Charlottesville for a couple of years, I wanted to play more of a supporting role to those who have been here longer and are more in touch with the community.

What has been the most rewarding aspect that comes with your community involvements?

I have enjoyed seeing a lot of great projects get funding from the EEF. There were a couple we approved last summer, for example, that were aimed at supporting individuals through hard times during COVID. One provided books to students doing virtual learning and the other supported a text messaging program that connected local residents with important resources.

How has the virtual transition affected your involvements? Has your definition of service remained the same?

The Fund's work was already primarily virtual, so not too much actually changed for us! I am really excited for things to get back to normal, though. I'm hoping that EEF will be able to do some in-person community outreach next year.

How would you encourage others to get involved?

Choose one or two things that you are really interested in and makes you happy. Students only have a limited amount of time at UVA, and I think it's important to be protective of that time. Use it in a way that gratifies both you and the people who are counting on you to do good work.

What has been the greatest class you have taken at UVA?

Any class with the environmental law faculty!

What is your favourite UVA tradition?

Clapping on the last day of class.

If you could do one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be?

Reduce carbon emission to net zero by 2050.