Westhaven Community Day

Westhaven Community Day
Date of Event
End Date
801 Hardy Drive Charlottesville VA 22902
Organization Name
Contact Name
Meaghan Gordon
Contact Email

On Saturday, August 3, 2024, the Annual Westhaven Community Day will be held on Hardy Drive in Charlottesville. This wonderful community event runs from 10-4pm this year.  This event is an opportunity to celebrate and serve residents in the public housing site Westhaven. This event ensures youth in our community can obtain sport physicals, community resources connect with residents and most importantly an overall celebration of this historical community.  Volunteers to support the success of the event are critical.

The day kicks off with a Resource Fair, Activities and Sport Physicals from 10-2pm. Fun activities for children and adults start at 10:00am, including music with DJ Nick Feggans, recognition of community graduates, game truck, bounce house, lively bingo, food, a dunking booth with local notables, and more.  

Free sports physicals are provided for youth between 10-2. 

Volunteers are needed; please register through the following link.   
